Thursday, January 04, 2007
Walter's Insight
Well, this blog thing is really neat. Now if I can figure out how to use it.
I decided to write my Library piece based on a story in the book Flags of Our Fathers. It seems the son of one of the Iwo Jima flag raisers was going through his dad's closet after his dad's funeral (looking for a will) and found a box of stuff related to Iwo Jima. Only after going through the box did the son reailze his dad was at Iwo Jima and was one of the flag raisers. In 50+ years the Dad had never memtioned it. My life has not been exactly like that, but I think now is the time to know each other better, not after someone is gone.
I recall a song with the words to that effect - In the Living Years. I wish I had done more to find out about my parents, in their living years. I did not.
Several day's after my Mother's funeral I was listening to a Cher song - I Believe in Life After Love - and I felt the spirit of my mother. I wanted to dance and did.
Well, this blog thing is really neat. Now if I can figure out how to use it.
I decided to write my Library piece based on a story in the book Flags of Our Fathers. It seems the son of one of the Iwo Jima flag raisers was going through his dad's closet after his dad's funeral (looking for a will) and found a box of stuff related to Iwo Jima. Only after going through the box did the son reailze his dad was at Iwo Jima and was one of the flag raisers. In 50+ years the Dad had never memtioned it. My life has not been exactly like that, but I think now is the time to know each other better, not after someone is gone.
I recall a song with the words to that effect - In the Living Years. I wish I had done more to find out about my parents, in their living years. I did not.
Several day's after my Mother's funeral I was listening to a Cher song - I Believe in Life After Love - and I felt the spirit of my mother. I wanted to dance and did.